Our Goal: $30K in 30 Days!

Raised: $41,250
Goal: $30,000


COVID-19 Relief for Children and Families


Thanks to your immediate response, the Ferrari Owners Charitable Foundation (FOCF) successfully raised over $30,000 in 30 days to help meet the needs of Greater Bay Area children and famlies who continue to struggle in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.



We are proud to announce our grants:


Larkin Street Youth Center: Food and Groceries for 30 Youths for up to Two Weeks

Napa Valley New Deal: 300 Meals to Children and Families in Napa Valley

Palo Alto Community Fund:  Gift Cards Covering Basic Life Needs for 15 Families

Edgewood Center for Children and Families:  300 Meals for Youth at Risk

Bay Area Crisis Nursery:  Residential Care for One Night for 15 Children at Risk










We are tremendously grateful to you for your generous support and commitment to community. To help us continue our efforts to meet the needs of children and famlies of the Greater Bay Area, please click here to donate.


Thank you.

Our Goal: $30K in 30 Days!

Raised: $41,250
Goal: $30,000